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SpanicArts Workshops

Updated: Oct 18, 2023

Multidisciplinary Art Workshops for All Ages (Spanish - French - English)

Overview: Our multidisciplinary art workshops offer an enriching and inclusive creative experience tailored to students from kindergarten (K) to 12th grade and adults. These workshops are designed to be versatile, accommodating a single-day format or a maximum of six sessions, and culminate in the creation of a final art piece. All necessary materials are provided, making it accessible for schools.

Key Features:

  1. Inclusive Age Groups: These workshops are open to students from K-12 and adults. All age groups are welcome, fostering a diverse and intergenerational creative environment.

  2. Multidisciplinary Approach: Participants will explore a wide range of art forms, including visual arts, music, dance, and more, promoting a holistic understanding of creativity.

  3. Creation of Final Art Piece: Each workshop session will result in the production of a final art piece. Participants will have tangible and meaningful takeaways from their creative efforts.

  4. School-Friendly: We provide all necessary art materials, ensuring schools can easily participate without the need for additional resources or expenses.

  5. Expert Facilitators: Our experienced and passionate facilitators are dedicated to nurturing artistic talents and guiding participants through their creative journeys.

  6. Collaborative Atmosphere: We maintain a respectful and collaborative environment where all participants are encouraged to share their ideas and learn from one another.

Synopsis: These multidisciplinary art workshops are a celebration of creativity for participants of all ages, from school children to adults. The workshops are adaptable, accommodating various schedules, and they offer the unique opportunity for diverse generations to come together and inspire each other.

Our expert facilitators will guide participants through a journey of self-expression, exploration, and artistic growth. With all materials provided, schools can easily integrate these workshops into their curriculum, enhancing the creative and educational experience for students.

Join us on this artistic adventure where creativity knows no age boundaries. Let's explore, create, and inspire together.

Theatre Workshops

Taller 1 Exploradores en movimiento

Taller 2 Teatro De Los Sentidos

Taller 3 Expresión Corporal

Taller 4 Teatro para Mujeres /

Taller 5 Teatro para niños

Taller 6 Drama

Performing Arts Workshops

Taller 2 Moviendo el Cuerpo con Venezuela

Taller 3 Improvisación y Comedia como técnica de oratoria

Taller 4 Escenificando a un animal

Taller 5 Bailando la Danza

Taller 6 Danza Experimental

Taller 7 Expresión Danza Latina

Taller 8 Raises de mi Tierra

Taller 9 Ritmos del mundo hispano / dance

Taller 10 Storytelling Workshop

Taller 11 Salsa Kids

Fine Arts Workshops

Taller 1 Teoría del Color

Taller 2 Líneas y Trazos

Taller 3 Mascaras

Taller 4 Estilos de Tatuaje

Taller 5 Técnica Acrílico sobre papel

Taller 6 Autorretrato Cubista Maestros del siglo XX

Taller 7 Experimenta, Crea Y Pinta

Taller 8 Acuarela

Taller 9 Escultura

Taller 10 Cerámica

Taller 11 Modelado / Plastilina

Taller 12 Dibujo Digital

Taller 13 Dibujo Arquitectónico

Taller 14 Dibujo Técnico

Taller 15 Dibujo 3d

Taller 16 Arte Contemporáneo

Taller 17 Animales de la Selva

Taller 18 Perspectiva

Taller 19 Grabados

Visual Art Workshops

Taller 1 Cinematography

Taller 2 Stop Motion

Taller 3 Edición de Video

Taller 4 Fotografía Digital / Celurlar

Taller 5 Dirección y Producción de Video

Taller 5 Edición Fotografica para Social Media

Music Wokshops

Taller 1 Inicio Creativo a la Música

Taller 2 El Mundo del Mariachi

Taller 3 Introducion al instrumentos

Taller 4 Tambores

Mental Health Wokshops

Taller 1 Programación Neurolingüística

Taller 2 Risas en movimiento

Taller 3 Cuerpo en movimiento

Taller 4 Art Therapy Recognizing emotions

Taller 5 The Joy of Art

Taller 6 Aprendiendo Pensamiento Crítico por Medio del Arte

Taller 7 Surrealismo Femenino

Cooking Workshops

Taller 1 Repostería

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